JEE, Architecture & Mobile Courses & Workshops

Here is 2 courses that I will deliver for now, and soon I will provide the table of contents for each course, number of days required , place and cost.

If you are interested just send me an email on, and once the class is complete I will update you. and you will find number of attendees updated behind each course listed below.

  1. Coding the architecture with JEE 7

    This workshop is regarding java EE 7 architecture of enterprise application, best practices, performance tips, and TTD methodologies, and how you can work in development life cycle using methodologies like XP, Scrum, Waterfall, ....etc.

    Here i will also explain a project based solution and how to use each java EE technology and Web technology standards like HTML5, to best fit the architecture, using Ejb3.2, JSF 2.2, JPA2.2, JAX-WS, JAX-RS2, CDI1.1, Websocket, JSON, NoSQL Security and other standards.

    When to develop a web profile and when move to enterprise one, this course will teach you how to develop a complete project from scratch using the best architecture of JEE7 technologies design and design pattern best practice.

    # of Attendee: (12) person
    # of Days: (3)
    # hours/Day: (8h)/day

  2. Think like a professional Software Architect.

    I will deliver a workshop that will makes you an extra ordinary software architect, in This course i will give you an introduction, and practice in software modeling and design, a discussion of software design issues, an explanation to software architecture, and a deep explanation of object-oriented analysis and design with UML, this course is very advanced and is vendor independent. You will gain knowledge on how to develop high level architecture of variety of systems including:

    1-Designing Software Subsystem Architectural Design,
    2-Designing Object-Oriented software Architecture.
    3-Designing Client/Server Software Architectures,
    4-Designing Service-Oriented Architectures,
    5-Designing Component-Based Software Architectures,
    6-Designing Concurrent and Real-Time Software Architectures,
    7-Designing Software Product Line Architectures.)

    and finally Software Quality Attributes that enhance your product performance, security and usability in many approaches. Many of these attributes can be addressed and evaluated at the time the software architecture is developed. Software quality attributes includes:

    maintainability, modifiability, testability, traceability, scalability, reusability, performance, availability, and security.

    # of Attendee: (5) person
    # of Days: (4)
    # hours/Day: (8h)/day

  3. Develop a compelling HTML5 applications powered by JEE7 & Glassfish 4.

    Need to see this statement in action, attend this Hand on lab, so you will find a well-designed learning curve bringing you up to speed on the futures within HTML5 and its associated specifications. You will learn the best practices of feature detection, appropriate use cases, and many of the ways that you won't find in the specification.

    The combined code examples are not plan, trivial uses of each API but instead lead you through building actual compelling project Real Time Runners Champion. In addition, for some APIs that need server support, we will use JEE7 specs to solve this support to HTML5 APIs including Websockets JSR 356 and JSON JSR 353 for data exchange.

    In this workshop, you will find a well-designed learning curve bringing you up to speed on the futures within HTML5 and its associated specifications. You will learn the best practices of feature detection, appropriate use cases, and many of the ways that you will not find in the specification.

    The combined code examples are not plan, trivial uses of each API but instead lead you through building actual web application.

    And for some APIs that need server support we will use JEE7 (Glassfish 4) specification to solve this support to HTML5 APIs including Websockets JSR 356 and JSON JSR 353 for data exchange, combined together in compelling final project RTRC.

    The project consists of Login screen connected to backend Websocket. On successful authentication, the runner will register in the champion. In runner tracer screen the Geolocation API will be used, to get the longitude, latitude and the timestamp of runner to send it to the server, alongside the name. Once information received server it will podcasts to other runners in real time fashion. On client notifications, the application will tag all location on runner map (Google map API) to see the progress of all other runners, with function that calculate the distance from current runner location from the finish point location.

    Note that this project is part of Adopt-A-JSR code

    1-Why HTML5?
    2-Using Geolocation API.
    4-Using Websocket API.
    6-Using Forms API.
    8-Using Web Workers API.
    10-Using Storage API.
    12-Creating offline web applications.
    13-Completing Final project.

    # of Attendee: (5) person
    # of Days: (2)
    # hours/Day: (8h)/day

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